Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Settling down

We've been living with Christina and Zalomon for some weeks now. Liska had a bit of trouble settling down at first - her potty training was suddenly not what it had been and we've had to clean up a couple of puddles here and there. Now it seems as though she finally feels fully at home here, and she's back to her old rythms.
Maybe a bit too much of that home-feeling though. She's gotten quite fond of chewing stuff to pieces. The other day, she got hold of a box full of tissues that she ripped apart and decorated the entire living room with. Quite a sight, according to Christina...luckily I wasn't there.
She also likes to carry our shoes around the house. I've found mine in her crate, under the living room table and below the sink in the bathroom to mention some.

My mother and my youngest sister, Maria, have been visiting. We had a great time, and Liska and Maria are now the best of friends. My mother, apparently, is not that trustworthy...it took Liska days to let her handle her.

Oh. I wish I knew a vet who spoke english. I have been finding bumps under Liska's skin on several places, especially along the neckline. Does anyone know what it might be? My local vet in Martin tells me Liska has got acne, but I'm not sure I believe her. She did nothing more than feel them and tried to stick a needle in one of them (unsuccessfully, because Liska wouldn't stay still).