Monday, 15 March 2010

Puppies...they grow up so fast...

Me and Vojak just came home from a couple of hours in the park and at school. Vojak got on the weight again down at the clinic, and this time it stopped at 14.4 kilos. He's becoming a big boy, and all too fast!
In the park he had his first close encounter with the river. I went in as far as my wellies allowed me, and after first looking at me for a while, his eyes clearly saying: "I knew it. Mum's finally gone crazy!", he came running after to see what was going on. He loved it, and went mad after - just ran around and jumped in the air!

A couple of weeks ago we had my mother and two sisters visiting. We had a wonderful time, and Vojak grew very fond of his grandma and his aunties Karen Kristine and Maria! He did not have one boring second while they were in the house, and since he's not really used to getting mine and Halldor's full attention at all times, he actually slept longer than we did in the mornings. How great is that!?
Unfortunately, they didn't stay more than a short week, and I think Vojak really felt that they left a hole when they went back to Norway.

Vojak has lost some teeth, and gained some new ones since I last wrote, and I find it really fascinating to try and get a hold of those he loses to investigate how they look. He hasn't lost his canines yet, and they are small, so he looks really cute with his new, big incisors!I collect the teeth I find or help out of his mouth in a small cup, and I think I collected 6 out of 12, which I think is fairly good work, seeing as I never found a single one of Liska's teeth when she was a baby...
He also got up one pair of molars in his upper jaw, and one in the lower. They are massive! He really looks like a carnivore with those, I'll tell you that.

It's easy to see him developing these days, it all goes so fast. What I like the most is the way he understands more every day. He's good at remembering names - his favourite ones except mine and Halldor's being Belle and Chucha, his best friends in the dog world. Whenever I say one of their names, he runs for the door totally alert and ready to go play!He's also interested in all else that moves around him, and he can sit on the balcony for as long as it takes me to hang out the laundry and just watch people in the street, or birds singing in the trees outside. Totally enchanted.
The biggest problem with training him right now is his eagerness to go play with every dog we meet. We've been experimenting with super-treats and fun toys for every time he chooses to stay with us instead of running out to play, and it seems to be working according to plan. He is almost as crazy about food as he is about playing, and you can see how hard it sometimes is for him to decide, although in the end he somehow jumps to the right conclusion...well, most of the time anyway!