Friday, 23 March 2012

No snow?

Spring came fast to Kosice this year as always, and we are not up to date with a lot of things, including this blog. But to tell the truth, all we've done for the past year is living a dog's life - all three of us. Vojak's been doing what he does best; played with the ball/frisbee, barked at a lot of doorbell rings, kissed a lot of friends on the nose/in the ear, harassed a couple of other dogs, made some new friends and chilled out on the sofa with, or sometimes without, permission. The two humans in the family have mostly spent their days nose-down in some book. Luckily, there's always room for some fun, and it might be a good sign that we used it for beautiful walks and playtime with Vojak instead of spending time online updating the blog!

Now, as I am in fact updating it, I have too many things to say about the time that passed, so I think I'll let some pictures speak for themselves. In some of them, you'll see Vojak with us skiing.

We bought skis this season, Vojak thinks it's fun, but it still takes some getting used on his part. That'll have to be left for next winter though, since the temperature slowly is crawling toward 20. And oh...if you haven't noticed, the ticks are here again. Found the first one on my own leg a couple of days ago, and then promptly went to get Vojak some spot-on. We're trying out Exspot this year, fingers crossed!

Also, our local petshop ran out of the Eukanuba Jogging and agility diet that Vojak's been on for the past year, and the sudden change in diet (to Eukanuba Working and endurance) has not been welcomed by his intestines so far. Unfortunately we'll just have to stand picking up some soft feces until they get his original diet back in the shelves (please hurry!).

I love the petshop though - for those who weren't already informed, they have 50% off for vet students on all Eukanuba feeds until June. Just saying.