Sunday, 20 April 2008

The weird ways of puppies...

This weekend, me and Liska went to Ola in Zilina for Liska's first sleep-over away from home. Of course, it was not all that scary seeing as I was there all the time. She got a fair bit of travelling practise, which she really needs, and she went crazy in Ola's collection of old plastic bottles while me and Ola played GameCube. Fun for the whole family..!
For some strange reason though, she really didn't like the stairway up to the flat Ola lives in on the 4th floor. She was even shaking, and this fear that I couldn't work out, even drove her to pee inside a couple of times. She's been housebroken for weeks, and I was afraid she'd see the convenience and start peeing on my carpet once we got home again. Luckily, she hasn't even thought of anything like it since we got here this morning.

Being in Zilina with her, made me realize how wise it was to not get a dog to live with us there. Martin may be a city too (well, more of a town really..), but Zilina has almost no green lungs. It's either shopping districts or traffic wherever you turn your head.

I bet Liska's glad to be home again, running the fields and all. It's easy to see she's able to tire out a lot better here. While being inside, she mostly just lies flat out on the floor. No bottle-chasing here...


Anonymous said...

why is it possible for commentators to be anonymous at your blog but not at mine. Did you do anything special? Du kan og svara på nynorsk om du vil :-)

Anonymous said...

Stakkar, redd for trappar.

*anonym*: Det er vel truleg berre ei lita innstilling.

Elisabeth said...

Nei - Liska er IKKJE redd for trapper, ho er berre redd for den eine oppgangen. Fuglane skal vita kvifor...eller var det kann henda for mykje forlangt!?

I grunnen elskar ho å springa i trapper - ho var heilt ekstatisk no førre veka då eg lot henne gå ned trappene sjølv for fyrste gong :P

Anonymous said...

Haha, so søte.