Thursday, 30 October 2008

Finally some good news!

The vet took a new blood test to check for rabies antibodies in September, and today I got the results back and it's official - Liska has developed antibodies! Sure I can't take her home for Christmas anyway, but this means her body isn't resistant to the vaccination. She'll be able to travel with me to Norway in the summer!

Also, we are getting ready for Nitra this week-end, where Liska is going to sweep everyone off their feet in the dog show we're attending. So tonight, she is going to get the royal treatment. I'm gonna give her a nice bath with her new shampoo, clip her claws and brush her fur until it's as shiny as pure gold... Wish us luck, and cross all your limbs this Saturday!

1 comment:

Ola Haugen Havrevoll said...

Good luck! Show them who's the boss!